How to Use Persona Settings

Make characters aware of personal facts during roleplay

Privee AI Team

Privee AI Team

Jun 6, 2024

How to Use Persona Settings


Have you ever heard of persona settings? They are an interesting feature we have on Privee AI, which is aimed to provide a more intimate and personal taste to your chats and roleplays.

They are meant to define your persona during a roleplay session and to make the characters you are roleplaying aware of some traits of your personality. They can be extremely useful during roleplays as you can easily play a specific role without any need to fill those information manually into your messages.


Persona settings are basically a series of information about yourself that you want our characters to be aware of during the chats. May it be your name, age or something you like to do, so that the characters you interact with are aware of them.

But most importantly you can use persona settings to enter a roleplay and play the role of a specific character of your choice.

Also, It may help to develop a stronger connection with your characters by letting them know your specific needs or tastes.

Privee AI lets you create and save many persona and gives you the chance to select the one you want to use in every chat.

With persona settings you can be anything you want: your imagination is the only limit!


Using persona settings is actually super easy. All you have to do is visit Profile Page and fill out the following fields. You can leave them all together or just some of them, the choice is up to you!

Persona Settings Privee AI

Click on "New" to create your first Persona.

Creating a Persona

To create your first persona you will need:

  • Avatar: A picture to use as your Avatar
  • Name: Pick your name and characters will refer to you using that.
  • A description: The general rule is that characters will be aware of everything you put in there. Put only the relevant information that you want characters to be aware of: your background, your tastes, your goals etc.

You can set a persona as "default", meaning that every time you'll open a chat, that persona will be set as default setting. This field is optional, you can leave it empty and select a persona only when you want so.

Once you're ready click on "Create" to finish the process. In any case you'll be able to edit your personas anytime you want.

As mentioned above, you'll be able to create and manage multiple personas depending on your needs. Here is how your profile page would look like when having multiple personas:

My Personas


Now that you've created your Personas is time to use them in the chats. If you've set a persona as "default" you will not have to take any action, unless you want to switch to a new persona.

In any case, you can decide which persona use in a chat by simply selecting it from the settings menu, that you can access clicking on the icon in the upper right corner:

Use Persona

From there you'll be able to browse your personas and pick the one you want to use:

Select Persona

At this point you're ready to start your adventures!

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