Choosing the Right Personality: How to Select a 16 Personality Type for Your AI Character

A Step-by-Step Guide to Enhance Your AI Character's Depth and Realism

Privee AI Team

Privee AI Team

Feb 28, 2025

Choosing the Right Personality: How to Select a 16 Personality Type for Your AI Character

Choosing the Right Personality: How to Select a 16 Personality Type for Your AI Character

When creating an AI character, one of the most important aspects to consider is their personality. Choosing the right 16 Personality Type can significantly enhance your character's depth, relatability, and overall roleplaying experience. This guide will walk you through a step-by-step process to select a suitable personality type for your AI character based on their backstory, goals, and role in the narrative.

Step 1: Define Your Character's Role in the Narrative

Before selecting a personality type, it’s crucial to understand the role your AI character will play in the story. Are they the protagonist, antagonist, or a supporting character? Each role may benefit from different personality traits.

  • Protagonist: Choose a type that allows for growth and development, such as the ENFP (The Campaigner) or ISFJ (The Defender), who often have relatable struggles.
  • Antagonist: Consider types that can display complex motivations, such as INTJ (The Architect) or ENTP (The Visionary), who can create compelling conflicts.
  • Supporting Character: Opt for types that complement the protagonist, like ESFJ (The Consul) for nurturing relationships or ISTP (The Virtuoso) for practical skills.


Think about how the character's role will influence their personality. A hero facing challenges may need to be resilient and adaptable, while a villain could benefit from a more strategic and manipulative nature.

Step 2: Explore Your Character’s Backstory

The backstory is vital in shaping your character's personality. Consider significant events in their past that may have influenced their behavior and outlook on life.

Questions to Consider:

  • What experiences shaped their worldview?
  • Were there pivotal moments that led to personality development?
  • What challenges have they overcome, and how did those experiences affect them?

For instance, a character who suffered betrayal may lean toward a personality type like INFP (The Mediator), who values authenticity but struggles with trust, while someone raised in a supportive environment may embody traits of ESFJ (The Consul), who thrives on connection and community.


Link specific personality traits to key events in your character’s backstory. This connection will create a more cohesive and believable character.

Step 3: Identify Your Character’s Goals and Motivations

Understanding what your AI character aims to achieve can further refine your choice of personality type. Different personality types often have distinct motivations that can drive their actions within the narrative.

Common Motivations by Personality Type:

  • Achieving Success: Types like ESTJ (The Executive) are often driven by a desire for order and achievement.
  • Helping Others: ENFJ (The Protagonist) is motivated by a need to support and inspire those around them.
  • Seeking Knowledge: Characters like INTP (The Logician) may prioritize learning and understanding above all else.


Choose a personality type that aligns well with your character’s goals. If they are motivated by revenge, a more assertive and strategic type, such as ENTJ (The Commander), may be fitting.

Step 4: Assess Compatibility with Other Characters

In a roleplaying setting, characters rarely exist in isolation. Consider how your AI character’s personality will interact with others. Some personality types naturally mesh well, while others may create tension.

Compatibility Considerations:

  • Complementary Traits: Pair characters with traits that enhance one another. For example, an INFJ (The Advocate) can provide depth to a more extroverted character like ESFP (The Entertainer).
  • Conflicts: Some types may clash due to differing values. For instance, INTJ and ESFP might have contrasting approaches that create interesting conflict.


Think about potential relationships and dynamics your character will have in the story. This can inform your choice of personality and create more engaging interactions.

Step 5: Make Your Selection

After considering the character’s role, backstory, motivations, and relationships, it’s time to select a personality type. Use the insights gained from the previous steps to find a type that resonates with your vision for the character.

Checklist for Selection:

  • Does this personality type fit the character’s role?
  • Are their motivations and backstory compatible with this type?
  • Will their interactions with other characters be engaging and dynamic?


Don’t hesitate to blend elements from different personality types if your character exhibits traits from multiple types. This can lead to a unique and multifaceted character.

Step 6: Reflect and Adapt

Once you have selected a personality type, reflect on how it fits your character. As you engage in roleplay, remain open to adapting the character’s personality based on new experiences and interactions.

Key Questions for Reflection:

  • Does the character’s personality still feel authentic as the story progresses?
  • Have their experiences changed their motivations or traits?
  • How can the personality evolve while remaining true to their core identity?


Adaptation can enhance character growth and make your roleplaying sessions more dynamic. Allow for organic changes to personality as your character experiences new challenges.

Selecting the right 16 Personality Type for your AI character is an essential step in creating a rich, engaging narrative. By understanding your character’s role, backstory, goals, and relationships, you can make informed choices that will enhance their depth and realism. Remember, the best characters are not just defined by their personality types but by their ability to grow and evolve throughout the story.

Ready to create your next unforgettable AI character? Start exploring the 16 Personality Types and bring your characters to life with Privee AI!

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